
This past week...


わたしは きのう ともだちと れすとらんに いきいました。わたしたち しゃぶしゃぶ (shabu shabu)を たべました。しゃぶしゃぶは とても おいしいかったです! そして ばんごはんの あとで えいがを みて、popcornを かいました。でも いま Shakespeareの れぽうとを かいています。。。れぽうとは むずかしです! 

じゃ また。 


わたしの しゅうまつ!


わたしは ちかご(Chicago)に いきました。わたしの かぞくから ちかご(Chicago)に きました。わたしは もくようびに かぞくと turkeyを たべます。おいしかったです! そして、きのうの ばんごはんは にぎやかでした。でも、きのうは とても さむかったです。どようびに かぞくと ちかご(Chicago)びじゅつかんに いきます。でも、わたしは ちかご(Chicago)びじゅつかんで えいごの パンフレットを つかいます!



Class this past week!


I thought class this week was great! じゅぎょおは とても おもしろかったです!I think I deffinitley need to work on my Japanese conversational skills, so having the Japanese visitors come on Monday was ideal. At first, I was deffinitely nervous. However, after making that first step in introducing myself in Japanese, I was slowly able to just focus on the Japanese I knew and less on my fear of messing up. The Japanese visitors were also so nice and encouraging, which really allowed me to forget about how self-concious I was about my verbal skills. I would really enjoy, and would of course benefit from it, if they came back. How did everyone else feel?

I also thought watching the Japanese soap opera in class was great! It's so hard right now to imagine ever being good enough at Japanese to fully understand all the dialogue, but it has deffinitely motivated me! I would love to one day be able to watch tv shows and movies with full comphresion.

Also, are any of guys in interested in placing into the Japanese I (second semester)? If so, let me know and we should approach Sato Sensei about the class and how to place into it.

Ja mata!